Luxifer's FYI


Welcome to my blog. It’s been probably literally half of my life at the time of writing this since I’ve last had a blog (that I could think of). Over all those years there’s been times when I came across something I felt would be worth sharing and making great content for a blog.

But I’m a lazy person with high standards, so actually standing up a new blog seemed daunting. What about the performance? What about the maintenance? What about the reliability? What about tieing together all the bits and pieces even for a static site like this… and the process of keeping it up-to-date. All of those things kept me from doing this for a long while.

However, I think I finally came up with something workable, and — as you can see — I’ve put in the time to actually stand something up. I took the time to stand it up properly, so that creating new content would be as low friction as possible, and maintaining the blog from a technical standpoint would be as low effort as possible.

With this blog I will try to focus on the technical side of things in my life, maybe eventually creating a sister blog for all the other stuff, who knows 😊

Anyway, enough meta-talk. There’s content in the pipeline… I just need to write it down in a way that suits this format.